Real Estate Right Now
beth bowen and Jay izso Real estate right now show

How to Avoid the Pitfalls from Contract to Close

The whole buying and selling or real estate can feel confusing, stressful, and overwhelming. Who designed the real estate contract? What does it really mean? Who is responsible for what? What should you know? How can an experienced real estate professional help you? Owner and President of Linda Craft Team, Realtors, Linda Craft herself joins us again to discuss the details of the contract process and what you should know. Okay so now you have a contract what happens at closing? Well many states can be different when it comes closing of homes. But in the state of North Carolina the Buyer has a “closing attorney” that must handle many[…]

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Ben Perrou and Jay Izso The Inspection Report and Remediation - Real Estate Right Now Show

Negotiating and Fixing Items on the Home Inspection Report

If there is a stress that both the buyer and seller feel when it comes to selling a home it is the dreaded inspection report. It may be the most common factor for a negotiated housing deal to fall apart. Sometimes the seller doesn’t want to do the repairs requested. And other times the buyer feels like there is too many things on the inspection report and they begin to have second thoughts about purchasing the home. What do you do? Well in this episode of Real Estate Right Now, closing manager Nogui Aramburo talks us through the inspection report and how he negotiates the report and keeps both the[…]

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Pricing your home for sale and the appraisal process - real estate right now

How a Home is Priced for Sale and the Appraisal Process

You are getting ready to put your house up for sale.  Perhaps you have some thoughts about how much your house is worth.  Maybe you have gone online and checked some of those housing websites that have an “automatic home evaluations” that gives you a price.  But then you hire a real estate professional and the price is not only not the same, it’s not even close.  What gives? In this episode of Real Estate Right Now Tony Fink listing and buyers specialist with Linda  Craft Team, Realtors takes us through the process on how a real estate professional prices a home, the process of measuring your house, why you cannot[…]

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Linda Craft - Buyer Beware - What you should know before buying a home - Real estate right now

Buyer Beware! Things You Should Know Before Buying a Home

    In this Episode of Real Estate Right Now! We are talking about what you need to be aware of before you purchase a home. We all know that things are never going to be perfect when it comes to purchasing a home. But what should we realistically expect before we purchase a home? Linda Craft, CEO and Owner of Linda Craft Team, Realtors joins us to discuss, “what the property disclosure doesn’t tell you”,  from asbestos popcorn ceilings to meth labs…yes…you read that right, health concerns, and how to avoid expensive remedies. Heather Williams, from First American Home Warrenty helps us understand what a home warranty is, what[…]

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First Time Home Buyers Kathryn Youngs- Real Estate Right Now

First Time Home Buyers

The market has changed. Higher interest rates, low inventory, higher prices is there room for the first time home buyer? Yes there is! What does it take to be a first time home buyer in this new market? What should you know that you don’t know as first time home buyer? What mortgage options are there for first time home buyers? All these questions and more, including some funny stories all on this episode of Real Estate Right Now! Our first guest is Kim Crump, listing and buyers expert from Linda Craft Team, Realtors.  She opens Real Estate Right Now talking about the typical first time home buyers emotions, how[…]

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Investing in Real Estate: The How, the What, and the Who

Investing in Real Estate: The How, The What and The Who

When it comes to investing in real estate people are always curious.  Perhaps you  are one of them?  Questions like…How does one get started in real estate investing?  What kind of properties are most people investing in?  And when it comes to investing in real estate who do you talk to? In this episode of Real Estate Right Now! Three experts that have professional experience in real estate investing from the small to the large are about to help you learn the how, what, and the who of investing in real estate. Our first guest Steve Kruger listing and buyers specialist with Linda Craft Team Realtors, has years of personal[…]

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Condos and Townhomes - Real Estate Right Now Show

Condos and Townhomes – What You Need to Know

This is the condo/townhome episode.  If you were wondering about the difference in condo’s versus townhomes vs single family homes…this is your show. We start off by talking with Dwayne Reece Listing and Buyers Expert with Linda Craft and Team, Realtors as he walks us through the differences between condos and townhomes and what are the pros and cons. Then Tony Fink (and check out his Fink Funny on Wednesdays) talks to us about Home Owners Associations, what is their role, and why they are important.  He further talks us through what are the most important things buyers should know before they purchase a townhome or condo. Finally Paul Fitts[…]

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Real Estate Right Now Episode 4

New Homes – Agent Experience – Buyers Closing Manager – Home Insurance

In this episode of Real Estate Right Now Linda Craft & Team, Realtors, Selling/Listing Agent Dwayne Reese talks to us how the change in the market has affected new home sales and how that affects you. Listing and Buying Specialist Kim Crump rejoins us to relay her story of become a real estate professional and how all real estate agents are not the same and some tips that you may want to look for when interviewing prospective agents to either list or purchase a home. Buyer’s Closing Manager and Bilingual Spanish speaking Buyer’s agent Nogui Aramburo explains what entails being a closing manager, why having a closing manager is[…]

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