Real Estate Right Now
Tony Fink 3 Seller Myths and 3 Buyer Myths - Real Estate Right Now with Jay Izso

Real Estate Mythbusters: 3 Seller Myths 3 Buyer Myths

Real Estate Mythbusting There are so many things happening in real estate right now. Interest rates have increased, low housing inventory, some places and prices are still experiencing multiple offers. Some people are afraid to sell, some are trying to buy, but not sure if they can. It can feel all quite chaotic. And then couple that with different things we all hear from different people it is difficult to sort the myths to the realty. Well in this episode of Real Estate Right Now we do some more Real Estate Mythbusting with Buyers Seller and Buyers Expert Tony Fink of Linda Craft Team Realtors. This is a fun show,[…]

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Kim Crump - 11 Myths in Todays Real Estate Market - Real Estate Right Now with Jay Izso - Linda Craft Team Realtors

11 Seller and Buyer Myths in Today’s Market

Today’s market has a number of challenges. Especially with inventory issues, mortgage rates, and consumer sentiment. And because of all of these issues and more, many sellers and buyers have come to believe several myths that simply are not true. If you are a seller, you may believe that you are in the driver seat and you pretty much can do what you want in the market.  But you as a buyer in this market, may believe that with higher interest rates you should wait.  Is this truth or fiction?  It’s time to do a little myth busting. In this episode of Real Estate Right Now, Seller and Buyer Expert[…]

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Dwyane Reece 4 Housing Myths - Real Estate Right Now with Jay Izso

4 Myths in Real Estate Affecting Home Buyers and Sellers

4 Myths in Real Estate Affecting Home Buyers and Sellers When it comes to buying and selling residential real estate there is a lot of rumors going around. It’s hard to know what is real and what is not. And let’s be honest social media is not helping. Yes, it is true interest rates are higher than what we knew a couple of years ago, but that does not mean the sky is falling when it comes to real estate. It’s also true the many people are reluctant to give up their 3% interest rates out of fear of having a higher payment. But again, there is more to the[…]

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