Real Estate Right Now
Real Estate Morgage Predictions for 2023 - Chis Coy and Jay Izso - Real Estate Right Now Show

Real Estate Mortgage Predictions for 2023

Like most people we are all wondering what it is the real estate market and the mortgage marketing going to do. Can we make a safe prediction? Does the data tell us anything? Are you on the fence as to whether you should buy or sell? Should you get out of your apartment? Townebank Senior Loan Officer and Market Researcher Chris Coy joins us on this episode of Real Estate Right Now to provide you with some predictions and insights based on the data. As well as some things you will want to consider in the current real estate market and going forward. Join us! Linda Craft Team, Realtors, For[…]

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2023 Real Estate Insights and Predictions - Tony Fink - Real Estate Right Now - Jay Izso

Real Estate Insights and Predictions for 2023

Well here we are in 2023. It’s a new year in real estate. Last year was, well, for a lack of a better term…wild. At the beginning of the year houses were flying off the market at record prices. By the end of the year, we saw interest rates rise for the first time in years, and the market went from a normalization to a slow down. That begs the question: What about 2023? What can we expect? Well of course like last year no one know for sure what it will bring, but there some indicators of what we may see in 2023. In this episode of Real Estate[…]

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Kristy Slater - Putting Your Home on the Market for the Holidays.- Real Estate Right Now Show

An Interior Design Expert Talks Putting Your Home on the Market for the Holidays

Here we are it’s holiday season. When it comes selling your home there are some common questions: Should I put my home on the market during the holiday season, or would it be batter to wait? If I do put my home on the market for sale, should I decorate my home? After all you do want it to feel like Christmas…right? And finally, you may ask, “So how do I get this started”… Well thankfully for ALL of US Kristy Slater the Lead Designer for Show Homes of Raleigh is going to join us on this episode of Real Estate Right Now to provide us with her experience and[…]

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Real Estate Fact or Fiction Dwayne Reese Jay Izso - Real Estate Right Now Show

Real Estate: Fact or Fiction

There are so many misconceptions when it comes to real estate. Some are true, some have a hint of truth, but most are false. In this episode of Real Estate Right Now, seller and buyer expert Dwayne Reese with Linda Craft Team, Realtors joins us to help separate the “facts” from the “fiction” when it comes to real estate. Fact or Fiction: The real estate market is going to tank? Fact or Fiction: You do not need an real estate professional when you purchase a new home? Fact or Fiction: Now is not a good time to buy a home? Fact or Fiction: Now is not a good time to[…]

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Crazy Things in Real Estate - Kim Crump - Jay Izso - Real Estate Right Now Show

Crazy Things in Real Estate & What a Hanyman Can Do for You

Real estate is not always glamourous. In fact there are times when real estate takes some pretty crazy twists and turns. In this episode of Real Estate Right Now Listing and Buyer Specialist Kim Crump of Linda Craft Team Realtors joins us to share with some of the unusual, weird, and down right bizarre situations she has incountered in her real estate career. Then Handyman Steve Austin (not to be confused with the 6 MIllion Dollar Man) talks about making repairs or making enhancements to your home, and he will aslotalk about some of the most unusual requests he has done that you may think a handyman may not do. […]

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Fred Pierson and Jay Izso - Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

Getting Your Home Ready for Sale – Making a Great First Impression

We all know that saying, “You only get one time to make a first impression” and when it comes to selling your home, it is absolutely true. In fact, in a recent National Association of Realtors Survey a stage home can sell between 3 and 30 times more. (see link: NAR Survey) In this episode Andrew Truesdale, Listing and Buyers Specialist with Linda Craft Team Realtors, talks to us about how the market has changed because of increased competition and why making an emotional connection and making a first impression is so critical.  Then he shares his years of successful selling experience to help you understand what you need to[…]

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Christopher Coy and Jay Izso - Are We in a Recession - Real Estate Right Now Show

Are We in a Real Estate Recession?

That’s the big question many people are asking…Are we in a housing recession? The reality is it depends on who you ask. Some will say, “yes, we are.” Others will say, “we are not even close”, and still others will say, “it’s knocking at our door”. Who do you believe? And what are the signs? In this episode of Real Estate Right Now, real estate veteran Steve Kruger, Listing and Buyer Expert from Linda Craft Team Realtors and holds an economics degree from University of Tennessee joins us to give us his professional perspective on what are the signs of a recession, what one looks like, are we in one,[…]

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real estate right now Episode 3

Are We in a Bubble – Closing Manager – Buyer Stories – Home Interior Professionals Make a Difference Eps 3

Are we in the beginnings of a real estate bubble?  Should you rent or buy?  When the economy changes what should you do buy or sell?  Tony Fink Listing and Buyers Specialist from Linda Craft & Team, Realtors has the number and the statistics to settle your emotions and give you clarity on today’s real estate market. What does a Closing Coordinator do?  Well the fact is she does a ton.  Angela Hawley Closing Coordinator extraordinaire joins to tell us a Closing coordinator makes life easy on a seller and the agent and some of the challenges she must face and overcome Is buying a house emotional or logical? If[…]

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