Real Estate Right Now
Fred Pierson and Jay Izso - Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

Getting Your Home Ready for Sale – Making a Great First Impression

We all know that saying, “You only get one time to make a first impression” and when it comes to selling your home, it is absolutely true. In fact, in a recent National Association of Realtors Survey a stage home can sell between 3 and 30 times more. (see link: NAR Survey) In this episode Andrew Truesdale, Listing and Buyers Specialist with Linda Craft Team Realtors, talks to us about how the market has changed because of increased competition and why making an emotional connection and making a first impression is so critical.  Then he shares his years of successful selling experience to help you understand what you need to[…]

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Christopher Coy and Jay Izso - Are We in a Recession - Real Estate Right Now Show

Are We in a Real Estate Recession?

That’s the big question many people are asking…Are we in a housing recession? The reality is it depends on who you ask. Some will say, “yes, we are.” Others will say, “we are not even close”, and still others will say, “it’s knocking at our door”. Who do you believe? And what are the signs? In this episode of Real Estate Right Now, real estate veteran Steve Kruger, Listing and Buyer Expert from Linda Craft Team Realtors and holds an economics degree from University of Tennessee joins us to give us his professional perspective on what are the signs of a recession, what one looks like, are we in one,[…]

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Michael Martin - Real Estate Right Now Show - Market Update - Recasting, Refinancing, and Reverse MortgagesJay Izso

Market Update – Recasting Refinancing and Reverse Mortgages

Since the beginning of the year the real estate market has changed, but what is the market really doing? What does it mean for you as a buyer and seller? Does the rise in interest rates really have an effect on home purchases? Will there be a house bubble? In this episode of Real Estate Right Now Tony Fink, Listing and Buyers Professional with Linda Craft Team, Realtors  will help us untangle the data give us some ideas of how to approach the market from a buyer, seller, and investor perspective. Then Michael Martin producing branch manger for Fairway Mortage helps us understand the market from his perspective. He will[…]

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beth bowen and Jay izso Real estate right now show

How to Avoid the Pitfalls from Contract to Close

The whole buying and selling or real estate can feel confusing, stressful, and overwhelming. Who designed the real estate contract? What does it really mean? Who is responsible for what? What should you know? How can an experienced real estate professional help you? Owner and President of Linda Craft Team, Realtors, Linda Craft herself joins us again to discuss the details of the contract process and what you should know. Okay so now you have a contract what happens at closing? Well many states can be different when it comes closing of homes. But in the state of North Carolina the Buyer has a “closing attorney” that must handle many[…]

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Ben Perrou and Jay Izso The Inspection Report and Remediation - Real Estate Right Now Show

Negotiating and Fixing Items on the Home Inspection Report

If there is a stress that both the buyer and seller feel when it comes to selling a home it is the dreaded inspection report. It may be the most common factor for a negotiated housing deal to fall apart. Sometimes the seller doesn’t want to do the repairs requested. And other times the buyer feels like there is too many things on the inspection report and they begin to have second thoughts about purchasing the home. What do you do? Well in this episode of Real Estate Right Now, closing manager Nogui Aramburo talks us through the inspection report and how he negotiates the report and keeps both the[…]

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Steve Kruger and Jay Izso Flipping Houses Real Estate Right Now

How to Flip Houses in Todays Real Estate Market

Let’s be honest HGTV has given most all of us the idea that we can “fix and flip” a home. There are multiple programs designed to teach you how to do it. The problem, it’s really never as easy as it looks on TV and the costs may be more than you can truly handle. In this episode of Real Estate Right Now Steve Kruger, with Linda Craft Team Realtors talks about the current changes in the real estate market and how that has affected home prices, and first time buyers. Then he goes on to discuss how this market is becoming more conducive to house flipping.  And talks about[…]

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Pricing your home for sale and the appraisal process - real estate right now

How a Home is Priced for Sale and the Appraisal Process

You are getting ready to put your house up for sale.  Perhaps you have some thoughts about how much your house is worth.  Maybe you have gone online and checked some of those housing websites that have an “automatic home evaluations” that gives you a price.  But then you hire a real estate professional and the price is not only not the same, it’s not even close.  What gives? In this episode of Real Estate Right Now Tony Fink listing and buyers specialist with Linda  Craft Team, Realtors takes us through the process on how a real estate professional prices a home, the process of measuring your house, why you cannot[…]

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Paul Fitts and Jay Izso - Carreers - Real Estate Right Now Show

How to be Successful in Real Estate or the Mortgage Profession

According to the National Association of Realtors 87% of people who start a career in real estate fail. The reasons are many. The better question to ask is how can someone be successful in the real estate profession. Perhaps you thought about real estate as a career, but your not sure what it will take to be successful. Highly successful real estate veteran Dwayne Reece Selling and Buyer Specialist with Linda Craft Team, Realtors returns on this show to talk about what it truly takes to be a success in the real estate industry. Wait, when it comes to the careers in the real estate industry we cannot forget about[…]

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Linda Craft - Buyer Beware - What you should know before buying a home - Real estate right now

Buyer Beware! Things You Should Know Before Buying a Home

    In this Episode of Real Estate Right Now! We are talking about what you need to be aware of before you purchase a home. We all know that things are never going to be perfect when it comes to purchasing a home. But what should we realistically expect before we purchase a home? Linda Craft, CEO and Owner of Linda Craft Team, Realtors joins us to discuss, “what the property disclosure doesn’t tell you”,  from asbestos popcorn ceilings to meth labs…yes…you read that right, health concerns, and how to avoid expensive remedies. Heather Williams, from First American Home Warrenty helps us understand what a home warranty is, what[…]

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First Time Home Buyers Kathryn Youngs- Real Estate Right Now

First Time Home Buyers

The market has changed. Higher interest rates, low inventory, higher prices is there room for the first time home buyer? Yes there is! What does it take to be a first time home buyer in this new market? What should you know that you don’t know as first time home buyer? What mortgage options are there for first time home buyers? All these questions and more, including some funny stories all on this episode of Real Estate Right Now! Our first guest is Kim Crump, listing and buyers expert from Linda Craft Team, Realtors.  She opens Real Estate Right Now talking about the typical first time home buyers emotions, how[…]

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