Real Estate Right Now
Linda Craft - What Does the NAR Settlement Mean to You and Conducting Real Estate - Real Estate Right Now Show

What Does the NAR Settlement Really Mean to You and Conducting Real Estate

What Does The NAR Lawsuit Real Mean for Real Estate? The news has been all over the fact that the National Association of Realtors has settled to pay hundreds of millions of dollars on a law suit. What was this lawsuit really about? Is every state affected the same way? But what does this really mean to the future of doing real estate? How does it affect consumers? And how does it affect real estate professionals? Well time will ultimately tell, but there are some things we do know for sure will need to change as this may not be all that great for the consumer. In this episode of[…]

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Linda Craft - Buyer Beware - What you should know before buying a home - Real estate right now

Buyer Beware! Things You Should Know Before Buying a Home

    In this Episode of Real Estate Right Now! We are talking about what you need to be aware of before you purchase a home. We all know that things are never going to be perfect when it comes to purchasing a home. But what should we realistically expect before we purchase a home? Linda Craft, CEO and Owner of Linda Craft Team, Realtors joins us to discuss, “what the property disclosure doesn’t tell you”,  from asbestos popcorn ceilings to meth labs…yes…you read that right, health concerns, and how to avoid expensive remedies. Heather Williams, from First American Home Warrenty helps us understand what a home warranty is, what[…]

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