Real Estate Right Now
Dwayne Reece - Real Estate in January - It's not Molasses - Real Estate Rigth Now with Jay Izso

Is Real Estate as Slow as Molasses in January?

When it comes to residential real estate and times of the year, there are some myths. One of them is that real estate is “slower than molasses in January”. That’s not exactly true. In fact, January’s can be a very productive month in real estate. The holidays are over, people are now looking at purchasing a home. True, there are fewer buyers in the market, but those buyers are extremely active. So, is it a good time to put your house on the market for sale in January? Is it a good time to buy? Does a change in a president make a difference? Well, to discuss these matter and[…]

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Sophie LaPierre - What You May Not Know About Becoming A New Real Estate Broker - Real Estate Right Now with Jay Izso

What You Should Know About Joining Your First Real Estate Team

I have said that getting into real estate is like Denny’s…”You don’t make a reservation to go there, but after a few drinks it’s where everybody seems to wind up.” Well maybe that is not exactly true, but fact remains that many people have the thought about getting into real estate. And by the way there are all generations of people who are interested in it. And they get interested in it for a variety of reasons. In this episode of Real Estate Right Now, Sophie LaPierre a new real estate professional with Linda Craft Team, Realtors joins us to talk about her experience joining a new real estate team.[…]

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