Real Estate Right Now
Kirk Warner - What It Is Like Joining A New Real Estate Team - Real Estate Right Now Show

What It’s Like Being on a New Real Estate Team

Many people are interested in getting into real estate. Some think that real estate is easy…but what really happens behind the scenes that you don’t see? How do you learn to fill out a contract without getting yourself in trouble? How do you avoid losing your license? What does it really take to find a client? How do you keep a client? Is there training for a new agent? Maybe you have some other questions. On this episode of Real Estate Right Now Kirk Warner a new real estate specialist with Linda Craft Team, Realtors talks about what it is like to join a new team, the challenges he has[…]

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Kim Crump Putting Your Home on the Market in January

Selling Your Home in the Beginning of the Year

It’s the start of the new year, and you are considering putting your home on the market right now. So what should you expect putting your house on the market right now? Should you wait? Maybe you can’t wait, but need to do it because of relocation. What should you do to make sure that your home has an opportunity to have the best price? Well Home Selling Expert Kim Crump with Linda Craft Team, Realtors will help you answer your home selling questions. Do you have a question about home selling?  Contact Linda Craft Team, Realtors they not only sponsor A New Direction, they may be a real estate company,[…]

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Real Estate Morgage Predictions for 2023 - Chis Coy and Jay Izso - Real Estate Right Now Show

Real Estate Mortgage Predictions for 2023

Like most people we are all wondering what it is the real estate market and the mortgage marketing going to do. Can we make a safe prediction? Does the data tell us anything? Are you on the fence as to whether you should buy or sell? Should you get out of your apartment? Townebank Senior Loan Officer and Market Researcher Chris Coy joins us on this episode of Real Estate Right Now to provide you with some predictions and insights based on the data. As well as some things you will want to consider in the current real estate market and going forward. Join us! Linda Craft Team, Realtors, For[…]

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2023 Real Estate Insights and Predictions - Tony Fink - Real Estate Right Now - Jay Izso

Real Estate Insights and Predictions for 2023

Well here we are in 2023. It’s a new year in real estate. Last year was, well, for a lack of a better term…wild. At the beginning of the year houses were flying off the market at record prices. By the end of the year, we saw interest rates rise for the first time in years, and the market went from a normalization to a slow down. That begs the question: What about 2023? What can we expect? Well of course like last year no one know for sure what it will bring, but there some indicators of what we may see in 2023. In this episode of Real Estate[…]

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